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Self Paced/Self Led - Online Version - Higherself Foundational Training


Self Paced / Self Led - Online Version of the Higherself Foundational Training - 8 workshops and supporting materials which you can work through at your own pace. Benefits you gain from this course; ✨️ Week 1 - Mindfulness & Spirit Guide Meditations to do your inner work and develop your soul gifts. A library of guided meditations to develop your practice. Learn concepts of awakenings, unity over duality, escaping the matrix, soul purpose, higherself, spirit guides, energy first universe, quantum energy, galactic families and ascension of this universe. Live meditation - ground ourselves into Source and Mother Gaia. Daily meditations. ✨️ Week 2 - Spiritual hygiene practices to accelerate your ascension. How your frequency & vibration create your reality. Intro to quantum energy and universal laws. Live meditation to learn quantum energy healing beginning with hearth chakra healing energy. Homework - Beautiful Body Healing, 3 Keys To Your Awakening workshop, Protection before sleep & daily meditation. ✨️ Week 3 - Manifest your dream life. Learning your soul & life purposes. Soul Tree of Life. Future self Press Release & FAQs. Manifestation meditations. ✨️ Week 4 - Shadow work, past Lifetimes, soul fragments & retrievals, negative entity removal, unlock your soul gifts & your dream life. ✨️ Week 5 - Practice quantum energy protection & clearing, portals, chakra scans, healing & readings. ✨️ Week 6 - Talk to your spirit guides & galactic families. ✨️ Week 7 - Quantum energy healing & soul gift activation practices - rainbow activation, super powers, soul gifts, past life healing. ✨️ Week 8 - Advanced concepts - Channelling, light language, grid work, past life regression, astral travel. Each week you are assigned tasks to develop your skills and practices. (Optional) Membership group - sharing and connecting with others in the membership group.

You can also join this program via the mobile app. Go to the app



Included in Plans

Higherself Foundational Training - Self, £222.00

Group Discussion

This program is connected to a group. You’ll be added once you join the program.

Highest Self Membership Group (Premium)

Highest Self Membership Group (Premium)

Private33 Members


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