Booking Jon for a Reflexology Treatment at The Life Academy Wellbeing Centre in Edinburgh
I provide Clinical Reflexology treatments in person at The Life Academy Wellbeing Centre treatment rooms. The rooms are quiet, relaxing, safe and in a lovely setting near the Edinburgh city centre.
They are located at The Life Academy Wellbeing Centre Holy Corner, Edinburgh 3b Greenhill Park, EH10 4DW or open this link on Google Maps. For further details of how to get to the treatment rooms by bus, car or walking visit here.
When you book a treatment, I will send you an e-mail later with the treatment room number (one to four). When you arrive, press the buzzer for your allocated room and I will come to answer the door for you and let you in.

Instructions for arriving at The Life Academy Wellbeing Centre
What to do on arrival - My treatment room is located at The Life Academy Wellbeing Centre Holy Corner, Edinburgh 3b Greenhill Park, EH10 4DW.
Google Maps location -
Getting there by bus, car or walking -
Parking - There is often parking on Greenhill Park road. The metred parking uses the RingGo app and is location 12440. Please don't use the private parking at the Life Academy Well Being Centre. Unless in the exception where I have given you explicit instructions to do so and the parking space you are to use.
Upon Arrival - Walk through the main parking area outside of the large old house which is number 3. Look to your immediate right and you will see the two parking spaces on the right, and a little walk way through to the The Life Academy Wellbeing Centre rooms. It is through a little black gate, then you follow the path round and it goes up a little ramp to the entrance.
Room buzzers - Please don't arrive early or ring the buzzer early. Please press the buzzer for the room number you have been allocated for your treatment - on the minute your treatment is due to start. This helps avoid disruption or having to make you wait outside. Note your room number will likely change with each treatment so please always check in advance. When you press the buzzer it is silent (so not to disturb others), this rings a buzzer in the corresponding treatment room. I will then come out of the treatment room to open the main door, great you and let you in. Please keep your your voice down so that you don't disturb other people in other treatment rooms. Thank you!
If you get lost or are running late, or can't make your session - Please message or phone me on 07756 630296 as soon as you reasonably can. Note that I may be performing a treatment and may not be able to respond until the treatment completes. I do allow short breaks for cleaning up in between treatments and will respond to you then.
Cancelations - Sessions are by default non-refundable, as I still need to pay for the venue, parking, travel and lost time. I will consider refunds on a case by case basis for mitigating circumstances.