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Available Online

Highest Self Membership Group Sessions

£33 per month for Twice Monthly Membership Zoom Calls & Private Membership group web/app access

1 hOnline Zoom Call (Anywhere in the World)

Service Description

Do you feel like; You are tired of being a 'lone wolf'? Your are searching for your tribe? You are tired of being alone on your awakening journey? You want to develop your quantum energy clearing and healing abilities? You are ready to develop your psychic gifts in a safe and ethical environment? You are being guided to connect with a mentor and membership group you can truly trust? You are ready to deepen your meditation practice and have a safe space to share your experiences? Well, you've come to the right place! Our membership group is the perfect place to connect with beautiful souls from around the world, and the universe! Benefits to you include; - Twice Monthly Group Zoom Sessions - Quantum Energy Clearing & Healing - Psychic Activations - Spiritual & Business Mentoring - Regular Challenges - Earn Rewards - Private Membership Forum & App (Wix Spaces)

Upcoming Sessions

Cancellation Policy

To maintain consistent and high-quality care for all of my Clients, appointment changes must be made at least 24 hours in advance of the scheduled appointment time. If you need to cancel for any reason less than 24 hours prior to your appointment, you will be charged for the full appointment. If you do not show up for your scheduled appointment and do not provide sufficient notice, you will be charged the full session fee. We reserve the right to make exceptions in the event of emergencies at my discretion. If you have any questions about this policy or need to make adjustments, please contact me by email at so we may make appropriate accommodations for your time and well-being. This policy is subject to change and the most up-to-date version can be found on our website. By booking this service you agree to these terms. By booking this service you agree to the Privacy Notice and GDPR detailed here: Please contact Jon Binnie at if you have any further questions.

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