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Quantum Psychic Energy Healing Guided Meditation (1 hour 17 Minutes)


Quantum Psychic Energy Healing Guided Meditation Is this you? Do you feel ✨️ You have been through spiritual awakenings? ✨️ You feel blocked and are ready for the next level? ✨️ Ready to clear and heal your past, present, parallel & future lives? ✨️ Hungry to breakthrough and activate your psychic super powers? ✨️ Ready to empower yourself & develop your own healing? Yes to any of the above? Then this Guided Meditation is for you! During the session Jon will set up a safe space around you, and take you into a deep guided meditation including; 1. Full Energy and Body scan to identify areas which need the most attention. 2  Removal, clearing and healing of negative energy or entity attachment. 3. Past/Present/Parallel/Future life healing to find the causes of blocks and areas that need healed. 4. Activation of your metaphysical & psychic abilities 5. Understanding your life mission, your soul purpose in the life. By the end of this session you will have: 🌟 Cleared, energised and levelled up your awakening journey. 🌟 Cleared negative energies, entities or cords holding you back. 🌟 Activated psychic abilities & soul gifts. 🌟 Met one of your spirit guides. You may repeat this guided meditation as often as you wish.

You can also join this program via the mobile app. Go to the app



Included in Plans

Single Payment
2 Plans Available
From £22.22/month


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