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Joy Wrench

Beautiful soul

Psychic Reflexologist Service:

"First of all thank you, from the bottom of my heart, for the wonderful session on Monday. It was like medicine, as it should be, from and for the soul. Also, a heartfelt thank you for the detailed (follow up) email...this was hugely helpful in prioritising the information that came through. So much information!

I feel incredibly grateful for the wonderful Psychic Reflexology session with Jon- it was food for the soul! So much more information came through than I'd expected. Jon also picked up on difficult energy I'd been feeling and pin pointed exactly where I'd been feeling it. And I'm so grateful he removed this! I really appreciate the follow-up and advice too...

I've taken your advice and have done the self-love confirmation in the mornings...what a beautiful way to start the day.

Thank you for all the support Jon, and for going above and beyond...

..a heartfelt thank you to you Jon!!

Joy ✨️✨️😊"

Joy Wrench

Joy Wrench

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